

What does the sauna really do to your body?
Sure, it makes you sweat, but what are its health benefits?

It does good in the circulation
Increases blood flow and improves circulation. Studies have
show that if men go to the sauna often, they can
reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke
episode. In fact, it has been found that passive heat
increases the levels of nitric oxide, a molecule
which dilates blood vessels and reduces blood pressure.

It reduces pain
The heat of the sauna increases the blood flow to the body,
which can help with joint pain and
arthritis. In addition to arthritis, it relieves muscle pain,
after improving circulation and loosening the tendons and joints. Also the high temperature in the sauna
releases endorphins, which have painkiller action.

It reduces the chance of colds
Believe it or not, a study by the University of Venice showed how
those who used to frequent saunas regularly became less frequently ill
relationship with those who didn’t like it.

The sauna increases the blood supply and thus keeps the tissues healthy
and significantly reduces the microorganisms in your body. With him
the mechanism we become more resistant to germs.

It does good on your skin
With all this sweating it creates doesn’t clog the pores,
on the contrary he cares. The benefit is the increased traffic that
caused by heat. Blood carries oxygen and
nutrients that nourish the skin cells
but also the body, which are absolutely essential for her
maintenance of cell metabolism and function
repair procedures.

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